Manpower Recruited

Manpower Recruited


Industries We Cater

Industries We Cater


Countries We Served

Countries We Served


Our Happy Clients

Our Happy Clients

1 %
Satisfied Clients

Golden years we’ve passed!

We are manpower

The Best Overseas Recruiting Agencies in Bangladesh

Manpower, a leading overseas recruiting agency in Bangladesh, has been at the forefront of facilitating the global job market for several years. The company is known for its commitment to matching qualified candidates with reputable international employers, thereby contributing to the economic development of Bangladesh

Save Money – We help protect you from non-compliance issues.
Extensive Network – The agency has built a vast network of international partners and employers
Client Satisfaction – Manpower's commitment to client satisfaction is evident in the success stories of individuals who have secured rewarding positions abroad through their services.

We Export Manpower To

Want to know more about us? Just download brochure...

Our Working Process


Meeting with Clients

We talk with your client in the initial meeting and try to collect all necessary information's from them.

Paper Submit

We discuss with our team members about the client meeting and Collected paper submit to company.

Execute the Process

We do another meeting, show the improvements and offers from us.

Work Complete & Delivery

When everything complete, we deliver the work to client.
Get in touch

Don’t hasitate to contact with us for inquries!

    Our offices are located on the traditional, unceded and occupied territories of the Coast Salish and Sto:lo peoples, including the territories

    24/7 hours customer support

    100% money back Guarentee

    +8801723 415966

    We recieve the best client’s review.

    Latest Blog

    Know something more from our latest blog!



    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)